What to expect
Initial Assessment:
This visit has two elements: The first visit involves a detailed history, a Chiropractic and neuro-functional assessment. You will be asked to wear a gown during this visit, which will be provided for you. We allow 1 hour for this visit.
During your second visit we will present the findings from your initial assessment in a personalised Chiropractic Report, and discuss our recommendation for care. We allow 30 minutes for this visit.
Follow-Up Visit
You will be checked and adjusted during these visits. We expect you to be in the office for 15 minutes.
Progress Reviews
These visits are scheduled to review your functional health findings and make further recommendations. We allow 30 minutes for this visit.
If 6 month has passed since you last visit, we would complete a neuro-functional review your health and make recommendations for future care. We allow 30 minutes for this visit.